Postman: The Complete Guide – REST API Testing – HowToFree


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Unlock the world of REST API Testing with our comprehensive free video course, “Postman: The Complete Guide.” Dive into over 30 hours of engaging video content that will transform you into a REST API testing expert. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your journey, this educational course will equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to master API testing using Postman.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer looking to advance your skills or a newbie exploring the world of APIs for the first time, this instructional course has been meticulously designed to provide you the knowledge and abilities you need to master API testing.

You’ll gain the technical proficiency required for API testing as you work your way through “Postman: The Complete Guide,” but you’ll also gain the trust in yourself you need to take on hard testing problems. You’ll be well-prepared to assure the dependability and quality of your APIs at the end of this course, making you a valuable asset in the software development industry.

What You’ll Learn REST API Testing:

  • Create GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests.
  • Understand the difference between GET and POST request methods.
  • Work with real-world APIs (Github API, Trello API).
  • Learn JavaScript basics for tests.
  • Write API tests in Postman.
  • Use data from Excel files (CSV) or JSON.
  • Utilize Postman variables to create workflows and scenarios.
  • Run API tests with Newman in Jenkins, GitLab CI, or TeamCity.
  • Implement authentication methods such as OAuth2, API keys, tokens, JWT, and basic auth.
  • Test file uploads.
  • Utilize mock servers.
  • Collaborate using Team Workspaces.

Course Content of REST API Testing

1. Introduction and first steps in Postman

  • Course overview
  • About the course
  • How to install Postman
  • Aguick introduction to APIs
  • Introduction to Postman &APls
  • Your first Postman request
  • Troubleshooting Postman errors
  • Using Postman on the web
  • A brief overview of HTTP
  • The Postman Landscape
  • First steps in Postman

2. Creating REST API requests with Postman

  • Section overview
  • Resources for this section
  • Postman collections v
  • Storing configuration in collection variables
  • Modifying collection variables
  • Postman collections and variables
  • GET request
  • Visualizing responses in Postman
  • Query parameters
  • Misconceptions about API parameters
  • Query parameters v
  • Assignment – Query parameters
  • Guided Assignment – Step by step instructions
  • Assignment – Query parameters – Solution
  • Shortcuts in Postman
  • Path variables
  • Postman collections and variables
  • GET request
  • Visualizing responses in Postman
  • Query parameters
  • Misconceptions about API parameters
  • Query parameters
  • Assignment – Query parameters
  • Guided Assignment – Step by step instructions
  • Assignment – Query parameters – Solution
  • Shortcuts in Postman
  • Path variables
  • Troubleshooting Path variables
  • Query params vs Path variables
  • Path variables
  • The business processes and rules behind an API
  • POST request
  • Assignment – Check cart contents
  • Guided Assignment – Step by step instructions
  • Assignment – Check cart contents – Solution
  • JSON format explained
  • POST request with JSON
  • Troubleshooting POST requests
  • GET vs POST
  • POST requests with JSON
  • API Authentication
  • Troubleshooting HTTP status codes
  • Assignment – Place an order
  • Guided Assignment – Step by step instructions – Place an order
  • Troubleshooting – Place an order
  • Assignment – Place an order – Solution
  • Using random data in requests (random variables)
  • Working with HTTP headers in Postman
  • Common questions about HTTP headers
  • Headers vs query vs params
  • Exporting and Importing a Postman collection
  • PATCH request method
  • Assignment – PATCH request method
  • Assignment – PATCH request method – Solution
  • Using Postman variables to avoid duplication
  • PATCH request method – continued
  • PUT request method
  • DELETE request method REST API Testing
  • Assignment – Delete an order
  • Guided Assignment – Step by step instructions
  • Assignment – Delete an order – Solution
  • GET, POST, PUT, PATCH … What is the difference?
  • HEAD request method
  • HTTP request methods quiz
  • Assignment – Valentin’s Book List API
  • Guided Assignment – Valentin’s Book List API
  • Assignment – Valentin’s Book List API – Solution
  • Practice section
  • Section overview
  • Building REST API requests
  • Why learn to use real-world API
  • Troubleshooting
  • Using the API documentation
  • Using the API documentation – Assignment
  • Guided Assignment – Using the API documentation
  • Using API documentation – Assignment Solution
  • Using identifiers when working with resources
  • Assignment – Creating resources – Lists
  • Guided Assignment – Creating resources – Lists
  • Assignment – Creating resources – Lists – Solution
  • Assignment – Creating resources – Cards
  • Guided Assignment – Creating resources – Cards
  • Assignment – Creating resources – Cards – Solution
  • Assignment – Managing resources
  • Guided Assignment – Managing resources
  • Assignment – Managing resources – Solution
  • Assignment – Deleting resources
  • Guided Assignment – Deleting resources
  • Assignment – Deleting resources – Solution
  • Protect your API keys

3. Introduction to API testing & JavaScript

  • Section overview
  • A short history of JavaScript
  • Your first Postman script
  • Your first API test in Postman
  • Defining JavaScript variables
  • Using “let” to define JavaScript variables
  • Conventions for naming JavaScript variables
  • Working with JavaScript variables
  • Constants in JavaScript
  • Data Types in JavaScript
  • Data Types in JavaScript
  • Working with JavaScript variables
  • Swap two variables in JavaScript
  • Variables
  • Mathematical operations
  • Mathematical operations
  • Code blocks and variable scopes
  • Defining a function in JavaScript
  • Returning values from functions
  • Built-in JavaScript functions
  • Generate a random email address
  • Arrow functions
  • Callback functions
  • Callback functions in Postman
  • Objects in JavaScript
  • Object methods
  • Object methods – using a property from the object
  • Alternative syntax for defining and accessing object properties
  • JavaScript objects and JSON
  • Parsing JSON in Postman
  • Writing assertions in Postman
  • Storing a list of items – Arrays in JavaScript
  • Navigating object properties and arrays
  • Navigating complex data structures in Postman
  • Navigating complex data structures
  • Built-in methods when working with arrays
  • Array methods
  • Conclusion

4. Writing basic API tests

  • Introduction
  • Resources for this section
  • Verifying the re
    sponse status code
  • Assignment – Adding status code tests
  • Guided Assignment – Adding status code tests
  • Assignment – Adding status code tests – Solution
  • Testing the response body
  • Asserting the data type of a property
  • The Postman Cheat Sheet & Quick Reference Guide
  • Refactoring tests
  • Testing the API error handling
  • Organizing requests and reusing tests
  • Assignment – Reduce duplication in tests
  • Guided Assignment – Reduce duplication in tests
  • Assignment – Reduce duplication in tests – Solution
  • Boundary testing
  • Assignment – Boundary testing
  • Assignment – Boundary testing
  • Assignment – Boundary testing – Solution
  • Documenting requests in Postman

5. Using Postman variables in scripts

  • Section overview
  • Setting Postman variables from scripts
  • Passing data from one request to the other
  • Troubleshooting setting collection variables from scripts
  • Assignment – Set the cartld in a Postman variable
  • Guided Assignment – Set the cartld in a Postman variable
  • Assignment – Set the cartld in a Postman variable – Solution
  • Assignment – Store all dynamic data in Postman variables
  • Guided Assignment – Store all dynamic data in Postman
  • variables
  • Assignment – Store all dynamic data in Postman variables –
  • Solution
  • Getting Postman variables from scripts
  • Assignment – Getting Postman variables from scripts
  • Guided Assignment – Getting Postman variables from scripts
  • Assignment – Getting Postman variables from scripts – Solution
  • Working with Postman collection variables from scripts
  • JavaScript: Comparing data types
  • JavaScript: For loop statement
  • for loop statement
  • JavaScript: Iterating over arrays (for loop)
  • Iterating over arrays (for loop)
  • JavaScript: Conditionals – if statements
  • Conditionals
  • Searching for data in a response (for loop)
  • Writing assertions against an array
  • Iterating over arrays (forEach loop)
  • Iterating over arrays (forEach loop)
  • Filtering a list of items
  • JavaScript: Finding data in an array with find
  • Assignment – use find instead of forEach
  • Guided Assignment – use find instead of forEach
  • Assignment – use find instead of forEach – Solution
  • Managing the data type in Postman variables
  • Passing data from the pre-request script to the request/tests
  • Where can you use Postman variables?
  • Removing collection variables
  • Recap: Using Postman variables in scripts

6. Using Postman environments & environment variables

  • Test-driven development (TDD)
  • Postman Environments & Environment variables
  • Troubleshooting environment variables
  • Using if statements to include or exclude tests
  • Storing secrets in environments
  • Exporting and importing environments
  • Environment variables quiz
  • Setting, getting and removing environment variables from
  • scripts
  • Getting variables in scripts according to the scope
  • Migrating from collection variables to environment variables
  • Global variables
  • Setting, getting and removing global variables from scripts

7. Practice section – Adding tests to an API

  • Section overview
  • Resources for this section
  • Assignment – Add status code tests
  • Guided Assignment – Add status code tests v
  • Assignment – Add status code tests – Solution
  • Assignment – Use Postman variables
  • Guided Assignment – Use Postman variables v
  • Assignment – Use Postman variables – Solution
  • Assignment – Reducing manual work by using variables &
  • scripts
  • Guided Assignment – Reducing manual work by using variables
  • & scripts
  • Assignment – Reducing manual work by using variables –
  • Solution
  • JavaScript: Transforming an array with map()
  • Working with complex data structures in Postman variables
  • Assignment – Write tests for Create board request
  • Guided Assignment – Write tests for Create board request

8. Assignment – Write tests for Create board request – Solution

  • Assignment – Dynamic board names
  • Guided Assignment – Dynamic board names
  • Assignment – Dynamic board names – Solution
  • Assignment – Write tests for the TODO and DONE lists
  • Guided Assignment – Write tests for the TODO and DONE lists
  • Assignment – Write tests for the TODO and DONE lists –
  • Solution
  • Write tests for the Create card request
  • Guided Assignment – Write tests for the Create card request
  • Assignment – Write tests for the Create card request – Solution
  • Assignment – Test the request Move card to DONE list
  • Guided Assignment – Test the request Move card to DONE list
  • Assignment – Test the request Move card to DONE list –
  • Solution
  • Clean-up work
  • Resilient scripts & tests

9. Advanced assertions

  • Ongoing course update
  • Chai Assertion Library
  • Assertions
  • Chai Assertion Library
  • Assertions on arrays
  • Assertions on nested objects
  • How to write assertions in Postman (objects, arrays, nested
  • properties)
  • Testing headers and cookies

10. Postman Automation basics

  • Overview
  • Running the collection manually
  • Postman Collection Runner
  • Collection runner usage limits
  • Scheduled collection runs
  • Running Postman collections as part of CI/CD
  • Postman CLI (installation & basic usage)
  • Newman CLI (installation & basic usage)
  • Troubleshooting Node.js / npm / Newman Problems (for
  • Windows)

11. Automation with Postman CLI

  • Section overview
  • Login and logout
  • Running a collection
  • Running a collection from an URL
  • Running a collection from a file
  • Using environments
  • Advanced configuration options
  • Usage restrictions and limitations

12. Automation with Newman

  • Installing Newman
  • Troubleshooting Newman installation problems (for Windows)
  • Running a collection from an URL
  • Running a collection from a file
  • Specifying environments with Newman
  • Generating HTML reports
  • Generating JUnit reports
  • Searching for Newman reporters
  • Advanced configuration options
  • Conclusion

13. Postman Test Automation with Jenkins

  • Section overview
  • How to run Jenkins with Docker
  • Defining jobs in Jenkins: Jenkins freestyle and Jenkinsfile
  • Using Postman CLI in Jenkins (freestyle)
  • Managing secrets in Jenkins
  • Using Postman CLI in Jenkins with Jenkinsfile
  • Using Newman in Jenkins (freestyle)
  • Using Newman in Jenkins (Jenkinsfile)
  • Publishing an HTML report in Jenkins (freestyle)
  • Publishing an HTML report in Jenkins (Jenkinsfile)
  • Publishing JUnit report (Freestyle)
  • Publishing JUnit report (Jenkinsfile)
  • Troubleshooting failed builds with reports
  • Troubleshooting Jenkins Problems (for Windows)
  • Troubleshooting Jenkins Problems (for macOS, Linux)
  • Troubleshooting HTML reports

14. Running Newman with other Cl servers / tools

  • Gitlab Cl
  • TeamCity REST API Testing

15. Workflows and Scenarios

  • Overview
  • Creating a basic workflow / scenario
  • Advanced workflows
  • Clearing unused Trello boards
  • Multiple workflows with the same collection

16. Data driven tests: Running a request multiple times with different data sets

  • Using workflows to create data-sets
  • Using external data files – Basic usage
  • Using external data files – Writing tests
  • Using external data files – Advanced usage

17. Team Collaboration

  • Introduction REST API Testing
  • Using the Git version control system – Overview
  • Using the Git version control system – Hands on
  • Team Workspaces – Creating and sharing a workspace
  • Team Workspaces – Understanding users and permissions
  • Team Workspaces – Managing user permissions

18. Mock servers

  • Introduction to mock servers
  • Why use a mock server?
  • Create your first mock server
  • Practical example: using mock servers for front-end
  • development REST API Testing
  • Recording responses from an existing API
  • Known limitations

19. File uploads (testing, automatic uploads, uploading multiple

  • files) Sending and testing multipart/form-data requests (file upload
  • form) Automatic the upload and testing process with Newman

20. Authentication / Authorization

  • Basic access authentication
  • OAuth2 Authorization Flow (Authorization Code Grant)
  • Form-based / Session-based authentication
  • JSON Web Tokens (JM)

21. Advanced topics and user questions

  • You ask, I answer
  • Reusing tests in multiple requests
  • How to deal with CSV responses?
  • Writing files to the file system
  • Passing variables dynamically to the request at runtime
  • (Newman) REST API Testing
  • Sending requests from scripts
  • How can I connect to my database using Postman?
  • JSON Schema validation in Postman

22. New features in Postman

  • Designing APIs with Postman (OpenAPl 3.0.0 / Swagger)
  • Sending GraphOL Queries in Postman

23. Postman Developer Challenge

  • Postman challenge webinars

24. Last words REST API Testing

Requirements for the Course:

  • API Access: You’ll need access to a few reputable public APIs to fully participate in the course.
  • Programming Proficiency: Basic programming and/or JavaScript knowledge is a prerequisite, as it will be necessary for writing tests.
  • HTTP Basics: Familiarity with basic HTTP concepts such as addressing, message body, headers, and cookies is essential.
  • RESTful APIs and JSON: A foundational understanding of RESTful APIs and JSON is required to navigate the course effectively.
  • Jenkins Familiarity (Optional): If you plan to explore Jenkins integration, having basic experience with Jenkins is beneficial but not mandatory.
  • NodeJS/NPM Skills: Proficiency in basic NodeJS/NPM operations is necessary for test automation tasks within the course.
  • Docker Knowledge (Optional): While not obligatory, having basic Docker experience can be advantageous, particularly if you intend to work with Jenkins or Newman.
  • Operating System: You’ll need a computer running Windows, macOS, or Linux to access lectures and install Postman. Please note that using a mobile phone or tablet is not recommended for this purpose.

Who this course is for REST API Testing:

  • This course is targeted towards testing engineers and developers.

Is this course suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! This course caters to both beginners and experienced testers. We start from the basics and progressively move into more advanced topics.

How much time will I have to access the course materials?

After enrolling, you’ll have unrestricted access to all the course materials, allowing you to review the material anytime you like and learn at your own speed.

Exist any requirements REST API Testing to enroll in this course?

A4: All you need is a computer with internet access and an open mind. To get started, no special software or equipment is needed.

Free today and embark on your journey to becoming an expert in REST API testing with Postman!

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