Master Game Development With Unity Game Engine. Volume 1-16


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Master Game Development With Unity Game Engine. Volume 1-16

Ready to take your game development skills to the next level? The Master Game Development With Unity Game Engine course by Awesome Tuts is your golden ticket to transforming ideas into real-world, playable games. Whether you’re a beginner or have a bit of experience, this 16-volume course is packed with hands-on lessons, guiding you step by step through Unity. You’ll learn by doing, building real projects that you can showcase or publish on platforms like Google Play. No fluff. Just real skills that you can put into practice from day one.

Each volume dives into new challenges and projects, covering everything from importing assets, creating animations, and writing scripts, to more advanced topics like game controllers, leaderboards, and social media integration. You’ll also explore fun mechanics like Pac-Man movement, spawning enemies, and even shooting mechanics for action-packed games. Plus, you’ll find tips on publishing and monetizing your games, making sure you’re fully equipped to bring your vision to life.

Ready to take your game development skills to the next level? The Master Game Development With Unity Game Engine course by Awesome Tuts is your golden ticket to transforming ideas into real-world, playable games. Whether you’re a beginner or have a bit of experience, this 16-volume course is packed with hands-on lessons, guiding you step by step through Unity. You’ll learn by doing, building real projects that you can showcase or publish on platforms like Google Play. No fluff. Just real skills that you can put into practice from day one.

Each volume dives into new challenges and projects, covering everything from importing assets, creating animations, and writing scripts, to more advanced topics like game controllers, leaderboards, and social media integration. You’ll also explore fun mechanics like Pac-Man movement, spawning enemies, and even shooting mechanics for action-packed games. Plus, you’ll find tips on publishing and monetizing your games, making sure you’re fully equipped to bring your vision to life.

Imagine creating your own games, from start to finish. This course gives you that power. And with over 5.96GB of content ready to download, you’re getting a massive library of videos, assets, and code that are virus-free and secure for your peace of mind.

Volume 01
00-Class Preview
01-Where Can You Get Live Help
02-Importing Assets And Organizing The Project
03-Slicing Our Sprites
04-Creating Animations
05-Prefabs Colliders And Rigid Bodies
06-Creating Our Gameplay Scene
08-Finishing BirdScript And Creating Camera Script
09-BG Collector
10-Pipe Collector
11-Finishing Touches
12-Unity UI Intro
13-Creating Main Menu
14-Creating Pause Menu
15-Game Controller
16-Menu Controller
17-Scene Fader
18-Gameplay Controller
19-My Coroutine
20-Downloading 3RD Party Plugins
21-Configuring Google Play Games Services
22-Leaderboards Controller
23-Social Media Controller
24-Ads Controller

Volume 02
00-Class Introduction
01-Where To Get Live Help
02-Improting Assets And Configuring Our Sprites
03-Texture Packer
04-Player And Zombie Animations
05-Preparing Obstacles
06-Creating Our Backgorunds
07-Player Jump
08-Player Animation And Obstacle Script
09-Obstacle Spawner
10-Obstacles And Player Off Screen
11-Creating Menus
12-Gameplay Controller
13-Publishing APK File On Google Play
14-Downloading And Configuring Google Play Games Services
15-Leaderboards Controller

Volume 03
00-Class Preview
01-Where Can You Get Live Help
02-Importing And Slicing Our Sprites
03-Player Animations
04-Player Script
05-Spider Shooter And Spider Jumper
06-Spider Walker
07-Door And Collectables
09-Creating Menus
10-Creating Our Level
11-Camera Follow
12-Creating Our UI HUD
13-Gameplay Controller
14-Joystick Movement

Volume 04
00-Class Preview
01-Where Can You Get Live Help
02-Importing Assets And Configuring The Circle And Needle
04-Detecting Collision Between The Needle And Cirle
05-Rotating The Circle
06-Adding UI Elements And Preparing Game Manager
08-Creating Main Menu
09-Adding Score
10-Finishing Touches

Volume 05
00-Class Preview
01-Where Can You Get Live Help
02-Importing Assets And Creating Player Animations
03-Colliders Prefabs And Rigidbodies
04-Preparing The Jump Logic
06-Game Manager
07-Lerpring And Creating New Platforms
08-Creating Main Menu
09-Creating Game Over Panel
10-Ending The Game When The Player Dies
11-Creating Our Score System
12-Power Bar

Volume 06
00-Class Preview
01-Where Can You Get Live Help
02-Importing Assets And Creating Menus
03-Creating Prefabs
04-Gameplay Background
05-Plane Scripts
06-Bullet Scripts
07-Plane Shoot
08-Enemy Plane Move And Shoot

Volume 07
00-Class Preview
01-Where Can You Get Live Help
02-Importing Assets And Creating Main Menu And Gamplay Scene
03-Preparing Our Game Elements
04-Creating Our Scripts
05-Brick Scripts

Volume 08
00-Class Preview
01-Where Can You Get Live Help
02-Importing Assets
03-Player Animations
04-Prefabs Colliders And Rigid Bodies
05-Player Script
06-Adding Backgrounds To Our Game
07-Cloud Collectors
08-Cloud Spawner
09-Positioning The Player And Camera Movement
10-Cameras Movement
11-Respawning Clouds
12-Background Collectors
13-Players Bounds
14-Creating Our Main Menu
15-Animating UI Elements
16-Highscore Menu And Options Menu
17-Navigating Between Menus
18-Creating Our Score UI And Pause Panel
19-PlayerScore Script
20-Creating Collectable Items
21-Gameplay Controller
22-Gameover Panel
23-Game Manager
24-Game Preferences
25-Filling The Blanks
26-Filling The Blanks 2
27-Music Controller
28-Scene Fader
29-Moving The Player With A Joystick
30-Unity Remote
31-Exporting Our APK File
32-About The Walk Animation Problem
33-Importing Admob Ads Plugin
34-Ads Controller

Volume 09
00-Class Preview
01-Where Can You Get Live Help
02-Importing Our Assets
03-Configuring And Slicing Sprites
04-Creating Main Menu
05-Creating Main Menu Buttons
06-Creating Settings Panel
07-Settings And Select Puzzle Panel Animations
08-Programming Main Menu And Settings Panel
09-Creating Puzzle Level Select Panel
10-SelectLevel Script Continued
11-Puzzle Game Panel
12-Puzzle Button
13-Load Selected Level
14-Load Selected Level Part 2
15-Creating Puzzle Buttons And Animators
16-Layout Puzzle Buttons
17-Setting Up Our Puzzle Game
18-Puzzle Game Manager
19-Flipping Our Puzzle Buttons Up
20-Controlling The Guesses
21-Check If The Puzzles Match
22-Counting Guesses
23-Creating Game Finished Panel
24-Game Finished Script
25-Finishing Our Gameplay
26-Game Data
27-Puzzle Game Saver Part 1
28-Puzzle Game Saver Part 2
29-Level Locker
30-Stars Locker
31-Wraping Things Up

Volume 10
00-Class Preview
01-Where Can You Get Live Help
02-Importing Assets And Creating Main Menu
03-Creating The Maze
04-Creating Pac Man And Monster Animations
05-Pacman Movement
06-Monster Movement
07-Wraping Things Up

Volume 11
00-Class Preview
01-Where Can You Get Live Help
02-Importing Assets And Creating Menus
03-Menu Controllers
04-Creating Our Mine Field
05-Game Manager
06-Mine Field Class
07-Matrix Grid
08-Wraping Things Up

Volume 12
00-Class Preview
01-Where To Get Live Help
02-Importing Assets In Our Project
03-Slicing Our Sprites
04-Creating Player And Brick Animations
05-Prefabs Colliders And Rigidbodies
06-Balls Bricks Tags Layers And Sorting Layers
07-Creating Arrow And BG Brick Prefabs
08-Rigidbodies Colliders And Scripting Player Movement
09-Bouncing Balls
10-Moving Arrows
11-Ready Aim Fire The Arrow
12-BallScript Continued
13-Player Shoot Once And Player Shoot Twice
14-ArrowScript Continued
16-Unity UI Intro
17-Designing Our Main Menu
18-ShopMenu LevelMenu And PlayerMenu
19-GameController Part 1
20-GameController Part 2
23-PlayerMenuController Part 1
24-PlayerMenuController Part 2
25-LevelController And Loading Screen
26-Gameplay UI
28-GameplayController Part 1
29-GameplayController Part 2
30-GameplayController Part 3
31-GameplayController Part 4
32-Player Movement For Mobile Devices
33-Testing Our Game On Mobile Devices
34-PlayerScript Continued
35-BallScript Continued
36-Designing Levels
37-Downloading 3RD Party Plugins
38-Importing 3rd Party Plugins In Our Project
39-Preparing Purchase Items
40-SocialMediaController Part 1
41-SocialMediaController Part 2
42-Testing Our Game On A Real Device
43-Sharing On Facebook From Our Game

Volume 13
00-Class Preview
01-Where Can You Get Live Help
03-Two Dimensional Arrays
04-Get And Set Accessors
05-Importing Assets And Slicing Sprites
06-Creating Menus
07-Programming Our Menus
08-Helper Classes
09-Game Manager
10-Loading The Puzzle
11-Shuffling Puzzle Pieces
12-Checking For Input
13-Wraping Up

Volume 14
00-Class Preview
01-Where Can You Get Live Help
02-Importing Assets And Creating Our Prefabs
03-Setting Up Our Gameplay Scene
04-Creating Main Menu
05-Main Menu Controller
06-Selecting A Ball
07-Creating Balls
08-Setting Up The ShootScript
09-Programming Our ShootScript
10-ShootScript Continued
11-Finishing ShootScript
12-Preparing Sound Effects
13-Ball Count System

Volume 15
00-Class Preview
01-Where Can You Get Live Help
02-Importing Assets And Creating Our Prefabs
03-Creating Our Level
04-Creating Our Sling Shoot
05-Brick Script
06-Game Variables And States
07-Bird Script
08-Camera Follow
09-Preparing Our SlingShoot Script
10-SlingShoot Script Functions
11-Finishig Our Sling Shoot Script
12-Game Manager
13-Finishing Game Manager
14-Camera Move
15-Destoyer And Parallax Scroller
16-Creating Menus
17-Pig Script
18-Wraping Things Up

Volume 16
00-Class Preview
01-Where Can You Get Live Help
02-Importing Assets Creating Animations And Prefabs
03-Bonus Utilities
04-Game Variables
05-Candy Script
06-Match Checker
07-Candy Array Part 1
08-Candy Array Part 2
09-Candy Array Part 3
10-Altered Candy Info
11-Candy Array Part 4
12-Candy Array Final Part
13-Moving Forward With Our Match Checker
14-Check Horizontal2 and Horizontal3
15-Vertical Matches
16-Finishing Up Our Match Checker
17-Candy Manager Part 1
18-Candy Manager Part 2
19-Candy Manager Part 3
20-Candy Manager Part 4
21-Candy Manager Part 5
22-Candy Manager Part 6
23-Candy Manager Part 7
24-Wraping Things Up
25-Creating Main Menu

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