Ethereum and Solidity: The Complete Developer's Guide – HowToFree


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Join our thorough video course, “Ethereum and Solidity: The Complete Developer’s Guide,” to take advantage of the bitcoin system’s seemingly limitless potential. Learn more about the top platforms for building blockchains, smart contracts, and digital applications: Ethereum and Solidity. With more than 30 hours of engaging video content, this educational journey provides you with the knowledge and skills of Ethereum and Solidity: needed to become a proficient Ethereum and Solidity developer.

No matter your level of programming knowledge, this course will show you how to learn Ethereum and Solidity step-by-step. We start with the basics and gradually advance your abilities. In order to ensure that you can develop practical bitcoin solutions, you will not only obtain a thorough understanding of these ground-breaking technologies but also put what you study into practice through real-world projects.

The “Ethereum and Solidity: The Complete Developer’s Guide” is available on our website,, and is your key to maximizing blockchain development’s potential. Enroll now to gain the knowledge necessary to influence the development of decentralized applications and smart contracts. Join us on this learning journey to master Ethereum and Solidity development.

What You Will Learn:

  • Gain insight into the motivations driving engineers to develop applications with Ethereum
  • Develop captivating blockchain applications utilizing the Ethereum Blockchain
  • Create, assess, and deploy secure Smart Contracts
  • Grasp the authentic objectives and potentials of Ethereum and Solidity
  • Utilize the most up-to-date Ethereum development tools (Web3 v1.0)
  • Comprehend the concepts of blockchain and mining through practical examples
  • By enrolling in this course, you will acquire these valuable skills and knowledge, allowing you to excel in Ethereum application development and blockchain technology.

Course Content of Ethereum and Solidity

1. What is Ethereum?

  • Introduction
  • Course Resources
  • A Shon History Lesson
  • Link to Original Bitcoin White Paper
  • What is Ethereum?
  • Interfacing with Ethereum Networks
  • Updated Metamask Setup for new IJI
  • Metamask Setup
  • Ethereum Accounts
  • Getting Test Ether to Use in the Course
  • What’s a Transaction?
  • Why’d We Wait?
  • A Quick Note About the Next Lecture
  • Basic Blockchains
  • Block Time
  • Smart Contracts
  • The Solidity Programming Language
  • Updated Remix Instructions for new Ul – Do Not Skip
  • Our First Contract
  • Contract Structure
  • Function Declarations
  • Deploying Contract in New Remix IJI
  • Testing with Remix
  • Redeploying Contracts
  • Behind the Scenes of Deployment
  • More on Running Functions Than You Want to Know
  • Wei vs Ether
  • Gas and Transactions
  • Mnemonic Phrases
  • We Need More Test Ether!
  • Obtaining More Test Ether from Recommended Faucet

2. Smart Contracts with Solidity

  • Installing Node.js, npm and Git
  • Contract Deployment
  • Completed Boilerplate
  • Project Requirements
  • Project File Walkthrough
  • Compiling Solidity
  • Invalid asm.js or Constructor Deprecation Warning
  • The Compile Script
  • Testing Architecture
  • Breaking Change – Web3 v4 and Ganache
  • Installing Modules
  • Web3 Versioning
  • Web3 Providers
  • Testing with Mocha
  • Mocha Structure
  • Fetching Accounts from Ganache
  • Refactor to As nc/Await
  • Deployment with Web3
  • Deployed Inbox Overview
  • Asserting Deployment
  • Verifying the Initial Message
  • Testing Message Updates
  • Deployment with Infura
  • Infura Signup
  • Super Important Note about Seed / Recovery Phrase Security
  • Wallet Provider Setup
  • Deployment to Testnet
  • Observing Deployment on Etherscan
  • Remix Permissions and Metamask
  • Deployed Contracts in Remix
  • Project Review
  • Updating Your Inbox Project to Solc vO.8.9

3. Advanced Smart Contracts

  • The Lottery Contract
  • Lottery Design
  • Reminder on Updated Remix IJI
  • Basic Solidity Types
  • Starting the Lottery Contract
  • The Message Global Variable
  • Overview of Arrays
  • Overview of Mappings and Structs
  • Big Solidity Gotcha
  • Entering the Lottery
  • Validation with Require Statements
  • The Remix Debugger
  • Pseudo Random Number Generator
  • Selecting a Winner
  • Sending Ether from Contracts
  • Resetting Contract State
  • Requiring Managers
  • Function Modifiers
  • Returning Players Array
  • Contract Review
  • Completed Boilerplate – Do Not Skip
  • New Test Setup
  • Test Project Updates
  • Web3 v4 and Ganache Breaking Change Reminder
  • Test Helper Review
  • Asserting Deployment
  • Entering the Lottery
  • Asserting Multiple Players
  • Try-Catch Assertions
  • Testing Function Modifiers
  • End to End Test

4. Building Interactive Front-Ends

  • Ethereum App Architecture
  • Boilerplate and React App Updates – Do Not Skip
  • Application Overview
  • Getting Started with Create-React-App
  • Multiple Web3 Instances
  • Required Update for Web3 and Metamask Permissions
  • Web3 Setup
  • Deploying the Lottery Contract
  • Local Contract Instances
  • Rendering Contract Data
  • Instance Properties
  • Accessing More Properties
  • The ‘Enter’ Form
  • Form Setup
  • Entering the Lottery
  • Picking a Winner
  • Project Review
  • Updating Your Lottery Project to Solc vO.8.9
  • Refactoring React App From Class to Functional Component

5. Real Projects with Ethereum

  • Solving Real Problems with Contracts
  • Fixing Kickstarter’s Issues
  • Campaign Contract Design
  • Reminder on Updated Remix IJI
  • Campaign Constructor
  • Contributing to the Campaign
  • A Quick Test
  • The Request Struct
  • More on Function Modifiers
  • Creating Struct Instances
  • Instance Creation Syntax
  • Storage and Memory
  • More on Storage vs Memory
  • Voting System Requirements
  • The Wrong Voting System
  • Issues with Arrays
  • Mappings vs Arrays
  • Mappings vs Arrays
  • Basics of Mappings
  • Refactoring to Mappings
  • Refactoring Request Stucts
  • More on Struct Initialization
  • Approving a Request
  • Testing Request Approvals
  • Finalizing a Request
  • Last Remix Test
  • Thinking about Deployment
  • Solution to Deployment
  • Adding a Campaign Factory
  • Testing the Factory

6. Ethereum Project Infrastructure Ethereum and Solidity

  • Completed Boilerplate – Do Not Skip
  • Updated Ganache Installation Reminder
  • Project Setup
  • Directory Structure
  • A Better Compile Script
  • Single Run Compilation
  • More on Compile
  • Web3 v4 and Ganache Breaking Change Reminder
  • Test File Setup
  • Creating Campaign Instances
  • Testing Warmup
  • Accessing Mappings
  • Requiring Minimum Contributions
  • Array Getters
  • One End to End Test
  • Deployment
  • Refactoring Deployment

7. Advanced Multi-Page Front-Ends

  • App Mockups
  • CR
    A vs Next Ethereum and Solidity
  • Next’s Pages Architecture
  • Basics of Next Routing
  • Root Routes
  • Required Web3 Update – Do Not Skip
  • CampaignFactory Instance
  • Reminder on Updated Remix IJI
  • Getting a Test Campaign
  • Fetching Deployed Campaigns
  • Why Next.js, Anyways?
  • Required Web3 Update for Conditional
  • Server vs Client Web3 Instances
  • GetlnitialProps Function
  • Semantic IJI React
  • Card Group Setup
  • Rendering Card Groups
  • Adding CSS
  • Adding a Button
  • The Need for a Layout
  • Suggestion Regarding a Default Export Warning
  • The Layout Component
  • Assembling a Header
  • Constraining Content Width
  • Two Column Layout
  • Nested Routing
  • Final CSS Fix
  • Form Creation
  • Input Change Handlers
  • Form Submittal
  • Testing Submittal
  • Form Error Handling
  • Button Spinners
  • Important Note About Installing next-routes
  • Routing Issues
  • Next Routes Setup
  • Automatic Navigation
  • Header Navigation
  • Routing to Campaigns
  • Restarting the Server
  • Route Mappings
  • Planning CampaignShow
  • Redeploying CampaignFactory
  • CampaignShow’s GetlnitialProps
  • Accessing a Campaign
  • Summary Translation Layer
  • Custom Card Groups
  • One Card Per Property
  • The Contribute Form
  • Grid Layouts
  • Form State
  • Communicating the Campaign Address
  • Making a Contribution
  • Refreshing Contract Data
  • Spinners and Error Handlers
  • Listing Requests
  • Grids vs Columns
  • More Routing!
  • Request Creation Form
  • Creating a Request
  • Form Polish
  • Creating a Request
  • Requests One by One
  • Fancy Javascript
  • Small Typo!
  • Rendering a Table
  • Request Row Component
  • Request Row Content
  • Approvers Count Cell
  • Approving a Request
  • Finalizing Requests
  • Testing Finalization
  • Row Status Styling
  • Finishing Requests Index
  • Wrapup
  • Updating Your Campaign Project to Solc vO.8.9

8. Appendix: Basic React

  • A Note on This Section
  • Purpose of Boilerplate Projects
  • Environment Setup
  • Project Setup
  • JSX
  • More on JSX
  • ES6 Import Statements
  • ReactDOM vs React
  • Component Instances
  • Render Targets
  • Component Structure
  • Youtube Search API Signup
  • Export Statements
  • Class Based Components
  • Handling User Events
  • Introduction to State
  • State Continued
  • Controlled Components
  • Breather and Review
  • Youtube Search Response
  • Refactoring Functional Components to Class Components
  • Props
  • Building Lists with Map
  • List Item Keys
  • Video List Items
  • Detail Component and Template Strings
  • Handling Null Props
  • Video Selection
  • Styling with CSS
  • Searching for Videos
  • Throttling Search Term Input
  • React Wrapup
  • Vue Flavored Version


  • Basic Knowledge of Javascript and NPM
  • Access to a Mac, PC, or Linux Machine

Who this course is for:

  • Programmers seeking to harness blockchain technology for advanced applications
  • Engineers aiming to grasp Ethereum and its application development principles

How much time is the course?

With this course’s more than 30 hours of video material, you may study Ethereum and Solidity programming in-depth and at your own pace.

Is this a beginner-friendly course?

Definitely! Our course is made to suit all skill levels, whether you’re a novice or an experienced developer. We offer detailed instructions, making it simple for beginners to understand the ideas and for seasoned professionals to increase their knowledge.

How can I access the course?

You can access “Ethereum and Solidity: The Complete Developer’s Guide” on our website, Simply enroll, and you’ll gain instant access to all the video lessons, materials, and resources you need to kickstart your blockchain development journey.

Free Don’t miss out – join us today at and start your learning adventure!

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