Pure React – Learn to think in React 2024 Download For Free


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Pure React - Learn to think in React 2024 Download For Free

You don’t know React.
But not for lack of trying!
Tutorials, books, courses, podcasts, blog posts. you’ve done ’em all, or you’ve tried to.
You’ve followed along, and sure, it made at least some kind of sense while you were assiduously reproducing each step, but just when you reach the end, everything you supposedly learned just.
from your mind into a vast, grey nothingness: The Fog of Uncertainty (or “FU”, for short).
It’s true that when you do those tutorials, you get a result! But you don’t really know how. Or why. Or how you could use what you just learned – pardon me, “learned” – to create your app, from scratch. You sit down to try and it just.
You live in The Fog now.

1 Write Concise Functions with ES6 Arrows and Implicit Returns.mp4
2 Understand How this Works in Regular Functions and Arrow Functions.mp4
3 Use let and const for BlockScoped Variables.mp4
4 Understand the Difference Between Statements and Expressions.mp4
5 Use ES6 Template Strings to Interpolate Values.mp4
6 Use the Rest and Spread Operators on Arrays and Objects.mp4
7 Use Destructuring to Pick Apart Arrays and Objects.mp4
8 Understand Mutable vs Immutable Operations in jаvascript.mp4
9 Find Elements in jаvascript Arrays with find and findIndex.mp4
10 Remove Array Items with Slice and Splice.mp4
11 Add Items to an Array with Concat and the Spread Operator.mp4
12 Modify Elements in an Array with Map.mp4
13 Remove Elements from an Array with Filter.mp4
14 Use the Reduce Function on Arrays.mp4
15 Use Import and Export On JS Files and Modules.mp4
16 Understand how Babel Transforms Modern JS into Older JS.mp4
17 Write Your First React App Hello World.mp4
18 How JSX Compiles to Plain jаvascript.mp4
19 Differences Between JSX and HTML.mp4
20 Sketch Before Building a Tweet Component.mp4
21 Build a Tweet Component with Hardcoded Data.mp4
22 Make Components Dynamic with Props.mp4
23 Split up a React App into Component Files.mp4
24 Sketch Before Building the GitHub File List.mp4
25 Build the GitHub File List app.mp4
26 Use React Children to render dynamic content.mp4
27 The Slots Pattern for Passing Multiple Children to a Component.mp4
28 Validate data with PropTypes.mp4
29 Deploy an app to Surge and Nowsh.mp4
30 Use React State to Make Components Interactive.mp4
31 Run Code After setState with a Callback.mp4
32 Write a React Component Without the Constructor.mp4
33 setState Uses Shallow Merge to Update State.mp4
34 The Consequences of Mutating State.mp4
35 Store the Value of Form Input in State.mp4
36 Use a Ref to Refer to an Uncontrolled Input.mp4
37 Sketch Before Building Shopper App.mp4
38 Build the Shoppers Item Page.mp4
39 Add Items to the Cart.mp4
40 Build the Shoppers Cart Page.mp4
41 Display Cart Items and a Total.mp4
42 Build a Checkout Form.mp4
43 Phases of the Component Lifecycle.mp4
44 Mounting Updating and Unmounting.mp4
45 Optimize a React Component with shouldComponentUpdate.mp4
46 Automatically Scroll a Chat Box with getSnapshotBeforeUpdate.mp4
47 Update State Based On Props with getDerivedStateFromProps.mp4
48 Use Error Boundaries to Catch and Recover from Errors.mp4
49 Use the useState Hook to Add State to a Function Component.mp4
50 The Magic Behind How Hooks Work.mp4
51 Call useState Multiple Times in One Component.mp4
52 Store an Object in useState and Update It Immutably.mp4
53 Extract Related Hooks Code into a Custom Hook.mp4
54 Access a DOM Node Directly with the useRef Hook.mp4
55 Manage Simple State with the useReducer Hook.mp4
56 Implement undoredo with the useReducer Hook.mp4
57 Synchronize State with Side Effects with the useEffect Hook.mp4
58 Manage Input Focus with useEffect.mp4
59 Return a Function From useEffect to Clean Up a Previous Effect.mp4
60 How to useLayoutEffect instead of useEffect.mp4
61 Refactor a React Class to Use Hooks.mp4
62 Refactor Lifecycles with Closures to Use Hooks.mp4
63 Cache Values with the useMemo Hook.mp4
64 Initialize useState with a Function.mp4
65 Cache Callback Functions with the useCallback Hook.mp4
66 Basics of REST and HTTP.mp4
67 Finished Product First the Pet Store App Well Be Building.mp4
68 Set up a REST Server with jsonserver.mp4
69 Fetch a List of Data with useEffect and Promises.mp4
70 Fetch a List of Data with useEffect and asyncawait.mp4
71 Display a Loading Indicator.mp4
72 Display a Modal Dialog Using reactmodal.mp4
73 Create a New Pet Form.mp4
74 Use a File Input to Upload an Image.mp4
75 Implement Saving Pet Data Locally.mp4
76 Use HTTP POST to Save the Pet to the Server.mp4
77 Use HTTP PUT to Update the Pet on the Server.mp4
78 Refactor New and Edit Forms into One.mp4
79 Use HTTP DELETE to Remove a Pet from the Server.mp4
80 Reverseengineer an API and Display Data with React.mp4
81 Finished Product First the App Were Building.mp4
82 Avoid prop drilling with React Context.mp4
83 Allow Children to Update Parents with a callback from Context in React.mp4
84 Manage the Loggedin User State with Context.mp4
85 Create a Context Wrapper With a Custom Hook.mp4
86 Use Multiple Context Providers in the same app.mp4
87 Manage Context State with the useReducer Hook.mp4
88 Use the useEffect Hook to Periodically Fetch Data.mp4
89 Use React Context to display notifications.mp4
90 Periodically Clean Up Notifications with useEffect and setInterval.mp4
91 Create a Wrapper to Contain the Providers.mp4
92 Performantly render a large list of items with React Context.mp4
93 Use a Context Outside of its Matching Provider.mp4
94 Ali Spittel on teaching yourself teaching others and getting yourself unstuck.mp4
94 Ali Spittel on teaching yourself teaching others and getting yourself unstuck.vtt
95 Emma Wedekind on landing a dev job in a foreign country no less.mp4
95 Emma Wedekind on landing a dev job in a foreign country no less.vtt
96 Kent C Dodds on strategies for testing your apps.mp4
96 Kent C Dodds on strategies for testing your apps.vtt
97 Shawn swyx Wang on marketing yourself as a developer.mp4
97 Shawn swyx Wang on marketing yourself as a developer.vtt
98 Eve Porcello and Alex Banks on getting started with GraphQL.mp4
98 Eve Porcello and Alex Banks on getting started with GraphQL.vtt
99 Mark Erikson on Redux the Context API and which to choose.mp4
99 Mark Erikson on Redux the Context API and which to choose.vtt
100 Swizec Teller on keeping up with front end tech and whats coming next.mp4
100 Swizec Teller on keeping up with front end tech and whats coming next.vtt
101 Js Fundamentals .mp4
101 Js Fundamentals .vtt
102 More JS Fundamentals .mp4
102 More JS Fundamentals .vtt
103 Intro to React .mp4
103 Intro to React .vtt
104 More React Fundamentals .mp4
104 More React Fundamentals .vtt
105 Learn React State .mp4
105 Learn React State .vtt
106 Intro To React Hooks .mp4
106 Intro To React Hooks .vtt
107 Use Hooks for API requests .mp4
107 Use Hooks for API requests .vtt
108 React Context .mp4
108 React Context .vtt




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